That's right- it's Luke!!!!
He's is growing so fast and we are enjoying him so much! He smiles all the time.... actually smiles in response to us talking to him! The other morning Kyle was leaving for class and he kissed me goodbye then reached down and kissed Luke goodbye and Luke just grinned the biggest grin! That boy loves his daddy! and his daddy is pretty crazy about him, too!! Anyway, Luke and I celebrated the big 2 month mark with pizza and then a really long nap!!
he's such a busy body these days-- those hands are constantly in motion!
On another happy note-- I am working on cleaning out my closet and am soo excited that I've lost my baby weight and can still wear most of my clothes! But the one piece of clothing I'm the MOST excited about still being able to wear is my little black dress that I wore on mine and Kyle's first date!!!!!
Ok, Kyle..... mama's ready to put this lil' black dress on and go on a date!!