Life with Luke


Monday, February 28, 2011

Look who we got to see today!!!!!

We had our 4D sonogram today and Luke was not wanting to act right! He kept his arm and hand across his face almost the whole time (he's shy like his mama.) We will try again next week to see if we can get him to move around more... you would think after drinking a coke before the sonogram would have helped... Next time it'll be a Mountain Dew!! He always gets very active with music so I think I'll just have a Mountain Dew, some ice cream and play some good music on the way  ; )
Here are the ones we got today......

Sweet lips!


yes, I am a boy and proud of it!!!! ; )


Friday, February 25, 2011

Crazy Cravings!!!

I am loving being pregnant and eating everything in sight... literally!! When I found out I was pregnant, my main craving was McDonald's cheeseburger and fries (and don't get me wrong- I still love both) but my most recent craving has been Froot Loops and a chocolate frosty from Wendy's (not together though... although I wonder what that would taste like.... ha j/k). I eat breakfast twice a day- I have my bowl of Froot Loops at 7:30 and then at 9:30 I have oatmeal with fresh strawberries (yummm!!). And then I have to have a bowl of  Froot Loops again before bed!!!! I try to stay away from the chocolate frosty so I only get those as a treat every now and then!
My craving today for lunch was a peanut butter & jelly sandwich with a HUGE glass of milk!!!!!!! I am so glad milk is a craving since I like all that other "bad" stuff!  Oh and let's not forget those girl scout cookies!!
I may finally hit the century mark on the scale next visit-- ( I was at 99lbs last visit- which is a big # for me!! I have gained a total of 10 lbs so far.... so we'll see what happens these last few months.. Doctor said to eat what I want, when I want...... ok, I can definitely follow those orders!)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

5 A.M. soccer game!

So it's 5:00 A.M. Thursday morning and I'm awaken from a really good sleep b/c our son decides he wants to play! He's gotten in a routine lately where he's active around 6ish in the morning and around bedtime every night! Well I guess he decided to get started a little early today ( and hasn't stopped ALL day!)  Kyle is such a light sleeper and I guess I woke him up when I was moving around trying to get comfortable.. He rolled over and put his hand on my stomach and LT was kicking and rolling around like crazy- Kyle was laughing so hard at my belly jumping around!! Needless to say we couldn't go back to sleep after that but it's ok- it was the most amazing thing! I LOVE being pregnant and feeling him move all around but I what I love even more is when Kyle gets to feel him moving!! I love my two guys!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

25 WEEKS!!!

well we are 25 weeks and everything is still going great! I have LOVED being pregnant and feeling LT kick and move around. My favorite time is at night time when we're getting ready for bed- Luke gets really active at bedtime (uh oh I'm in trouble!) and Kyle will start talking to him with his hand on my belly and Luke goes crazy- He loves his daddy!!
We had our appointment February 16th and he is growing good and fast! His heartbeat was 154 and he weights almost 2lbs (whew!!!) and I can tell b/c the kicks are very strong!  He was so active during the ultrasound that we couldn't get him to be still long enough to get some good shots. Poor baby doesn't have much room in there- he's already head down and his legs are folded over! He's gonna be so ready to stretch out when he gets here!!!

no wonder it feels like a soccer game going on in my belly- check out this foot!!!!!!!!!

his hand on his forehead: "ahh it's a hard life"


My wonderful husband made this Valentine's Day so special with a valentine from LT:

"To: Mommy
From: LT"

Monday, February 7, 2011


Christmas was a big day at the Upchurch house! We were finally finding out the sex of our baby- We had our sonogram done on December 21st, had them seal it up in an envelope, and I took the envelope to have it wrapped. That was the looooongest  four days ever!! Poor Kyle was begging to open it before Christmas morning but I didn't budge (Even though I was about to die to open it too!!)
Sooo... four days later and it's Christmas morning!! Kyle got home from work about 8:00 that morning. We had my mom, dad, brother, Ms. Sheila and Ralph over to open the present. I made a big breakfast for everyone (monkey bread, hashbrown casserole and breakfast quiche-- yummm!!)
Here is THE present:

The opening of the gift:

Kyle teasing me with the answer......


IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!